Government Ijara Sukuk Fixed Rental Rate

Item Detail
Complete Name Government Ijara Sukuk – Fixed Rental Rate
Abbreviations GIS – FRR
Bond Type Fixed Rate Coupon Bond
Sector (Conventional/Islamic) Islamic
Rate of Return (Fixed/Floating) Fixed till maturity
Coupon Payment Frequency Semi – Annual
Coupon Components Not Applicable
Coupon Determination Determined in fresh auction of GIS-VRR and remain fixed till maturity of sukuk
Margin Not applicable
Current Active Tenors 05 Years
Day Count Conventions ACT/365
Minimum Denomination for Investment and Investment Multiples PKR 100,000.0
Maximum Investment Limit No Limit
Taxes As per applicable laws
Current Auction Frequency Monthly
Competitive Bid Auction Method Uniform Price
Eligible Investors for Competitive Bids (CB) All investors of IBIs
Maximum Number of CBs in each tenor of auction Multiple Bids allowed
Non Competitive Bids (NCB) Pricing Method Uniform Price
Eligible Investors for NCBs All investors other than Individuals, banks (scheduled, specialized and microfinance)/ DFIs/ Investment Banks.
Upper NCB limit Linked with pre-auction target i.e. 0.25% of the auction target subject to maximum of Rs. 250 million.
Maximum Number of NCBs in each tenor of auction One (01) Bid only. In case of multiple bids, all NCBs will stand cancelled.
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