Primary Dealers System

Over the years, the marketable Government securities market has grown in terms of size, number and diversity of participants and infrastructure. Accordingly State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) has made rules governing the PD system in Pakistan. SBP select PDs every fiscal after rigorous process encompassing multiple qualitative and market data based criteria.

The details about conventional PDs system are appended below, while all Islamic Banks and Islamic Arm of conventional branches are currently working as Islamic PDs for their clients.

Conventional Primary Dealership

a. Categories of PDs

  1. Primary Dealers (PDs)
  2. Preliminary Primary Dealers (PPDs)
  3. Special Purpose Primary Dealers (SPDs)

b. List of PDs and SPPDs for FY 2023-24 are as below;

Name of FI Status
Bank Al-Falah Limited PD
Habib Bank Limited PD
National Bank of Pakistan PD
United Bank Limited PD
MCB Bank Limited PD
JS Bank Limited PD
Pak Oman Investment Company Limited PD
The Bank of Punjab PD
Citi Bank N.A-Pakistan Operations PD
Habib Metropolitan Bank Limited PD
National Clearing Company of Pakistan Limited SPD
Central Depository Company of Pakistan SPD

Details about selection process and performance criteria of primary dealers can be accessed at DMMD Circular No. 12 dated July 04, 2023